What is Enelebemele?
It is the word that sums up the work of Herriak Elkarnean, respectively, International Aid, Fair Trade and Emergency Aid.
Fair trade
Trade, anyway??
On the basis of the imbalance between the North and South we find business relationships.
The north establishes its laws, while taking into account competitiveness and profits, on account of the southern countries that are becoming poorer and have cheap labor and raw materials.
Labour exploitation
Child labor
Women discrimination
Poverty wages
Laboral conditions harmful to health
Destruction of nature
...These are some of the features of the prices of our purchases, although we are not aware of them.
Fair trade
It bets on the system that promotes society, the environment and economic justice, and warrants:
> That workers receive a fair wage. Support basic rights of people respecting gender equality and condemn child labor. Get quality products, using processes that are environmentally friendly.
> This trade helps to reduce poverty, and for that it uses colloboration in development as a tool. 2,700 million people live more or less with less than 1.5 euros a day. Fair Trade helps 5 million people have a decent life
> Fair Trade in a trading system that seeks balance in international trade, and is based on the conversation, transparency and respect. Promotes sustainable development by offering better trading conditions and, above all, guarantees the rights of producers and workers in the South.
> The process begins in the most disadvantaged communities, especially in the South, where producers are coordinated in democratic institutions. Fair Trade works to dignify and declare their effort.
> In this fair level chain in northern countries, institutions that import buy their products to producer groups. To do so, they pay the prices agreed by both parties and offer them an advance, thus, ensuring a way of living.
Criteria of fair trade
The 10 standars of the Fair Trade of the WFT:
1.- Create options for producers in economic disadvantage...
2.- Give explanations and ensure transparency.
3.- Develop abilities.
4.- Promote Fair Trade, quality products, informations for consumers.
5.- Pay a fair wage to producers and workers.
6.- Gender equality.
7.- Dignified working conditions.
8.- Eradication of child labor.
9.- Proceses which respect the environment.
10.- Long-term employment relationships, trust and respect between them. Advance payment of part of Prezio.
Quality products purchased directly from producers, with the least possible intermediaries and paying fair prices.
Library material
What can you do?
Consumers are the ones who close the chain of solidarity.
Similarly we can perform the following actions:
> Consume Fair Trade products.
> Ask in your laboral and administrative environment to indrouce fair trade products (in Christmas gifts, gifts in institutional settings, where catering in coffee machines...)
> Take part in any association related to fair trade.
> Take part in Fair Trade campaigns
> Inform yourself about careful consumption alternatives:
When we use our purchasing power to care besides helping living conditions of farming communities, we help to change the unjust conditions that occur in the normal market.
Where can we buy?
Our stores are commited to make people aware of the principles of Fair Trade.
They get you their products, paying special attention to the consequences that the benefits have on the workers.
Katea Ind. 5 - 1 floor
20200 Beasain
T 943 09 68 72
Every tuesday 17:00 - 20:00
Closed from june to septembre
Zona industrial Ugalde 12
Zona industrial Atallu 6
20170 Usurbil
T 943 36 11 14